Chartres (once more)

We've been to Chartres before.
But in that winter month five years ago the labyrinth wasn't open.
And this time it was.
At first, I was a little irritated. Some people were breezing across the labyrinth inattentively—in a hurry to get somewhere else and seemingly oblivious to the fact that they were jostling right through others' prayer.
But it was as if each mindful step was clarifying itself nonetheless.
And soon those of us who were walking
...were walking the labyrinth together.
In a labyrinth sometimes you seem to be moving in the opposite direction from another—and then the next moment you're face-to-face. When you seem furthest from the center, at the next turn you might find yourself entering it.
Nor in that winter five years ago did the cathedral put on a cosmic light-show.
It feels like we're back on our long pilgrimage again.
With places and friends so beautiful and dear that it always feels too unbearably soon to leave them.
"Keep your pilgrim-self alive," we reminded ourselves five years ago when we were heading homeward.
And we're reminding ourselves of that wisdom once again.

Reader Comments (2)
I was there 47 years ago as a seminary student hitchhiking my way around Europe and the labyrinth was covered
with chairs. In those days I didn't know what a labyrinth was, and how beautiful this one is. In all the changes Joyce
and I are going through these days, I appreciate very much the reminder of keeping the pilgrim self alive. Thank you
and travel safe and well. Love, Brian